
場地守則, 票務條款及細則


Terms & Conditions

• 各類門票設有指定座位區域,區域內不設劃位,座位有限,不設企位,先到先得。
Different types of tickets have the exclusive seating area, there are no designated seats, and the seating capacity is limited, no standing areas. First come, first served.
• 持票人在門票上指定的日期當天,可多次進出比賽場地。比賽門票已經涵蓋活動期間的所有比賽場次,但須受場地人數上限限制。
• Ticket holders are entitled to same day re-entry to the field on the designated date(s) specified on the ticket and all the games at the field are inclusive, subject to venue capacity limitations.
• 本活動採QR CODE 電子入場券形式,不設更換實體入場券。
This event is in the form of QR electronic tickets, physical tickets will not be issued.
• 電子入場券只限掃描一次即可入場,請勿將門票上之QR Code任意公開或提供給他人,以防遭人冒領入場。主辦單位概不負責冒領損失。
E-tickets can be scanned only once to gain entry to the stadium. Do not disclose or share the QR code of the e-ticket with others to prevent unauthorised admission to the stadium. The organizers are not responsible for any losses incurred due to unauthorized entry.
• 為維護您的權益,請勿向他人購買電子入場券,屆時或將無法進場,主辦單位保留取消該票之權利。
To protect your rights, please do not purchase electronic tickets from others. You may not be able to enter the venue at that time, and the organizer reserves the right to cancel the ticket.
• 門票將用於活動場地入口兌換入場手帶,工作人員亦會為入場人士戴上手帶以便進場,手環不得轉讓。請小心保管,如發生遺失、損毀、破損等情形,一律不予重新報名。任意塗改、影印或套印、掃描複製票劵,均屬無效。
To enter the event, the ticket must be used to redeem the entry wristband at the entrance of the event venue. and they are non-transferable. Please keep your ticket carefully. If it is lost, damaged, damaged, etc., re-registration will not be allowed. Vouchers that have been altered, photocopied or overprinted, or scanned and copied will be invalid.
• 入場手帶只用於活動當天進場使用,任何購買五日門票之人士均須每天在場地入口兌換不同手帶以便入場。
The entry wristband is only used for the entry on the day of the event, and anyone who purchases a 5-day pass must redeem a new wristband at the venue entrance every day for admission.
• 不同顏色之手帶均限制進場人士進入不同指定活動區域;任何人士在未經許可下不得擅自闖入其他區域,主辦機構有權驅趕違反此規則之人士離場,並不作任何退款。
• Wristband of different colours are for entry to designated areas of the event. No person is allowed to trespass into other areas not designated for their wristband unless permitted by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to expel anyone from the event who violates these rules without any refund.
• 請確實核對訂購內容,一經成功報名,表示報名者同意支付本次交易的內容與價格,並不得以任何理由拒付本次交易費用。
Please carefully check the order content. Once successfully registered, the applicant agrees to pay the content and price of this transaction and shall not refuse to pay the transaction fee for any reason.
• 一人一票入場,不佔座位之3歲以下幼童除外。
One person per ticket regardless of age except children aged under 3 who do not occupy a seat.
• 售出之門票恕不退款或退換。
Tickets sold are neither refundable nor exchangeable.
• 主辦單位保留其在認為必要時或出現其無法控制的情況(包括但不限於惡劣天氣條件)下取消活動的權利。如果惡劣天氣條件對參加者的安全構成重大風險或導致活動無法或不能如常進行,主辦單位將透過購票代理進行退款。但退款手續費將全額向客戶收取:3%。
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the Event at any stage, if deemed necessary in their sole opinion, or if circumstances arise which are outside their control, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions. Refunds will be considered in the event of severe weather conditions that pose a significant risk to attendee safety or make the event impossible or impractical to conduct. Ticket will be refunded through the ticket agent, refund handling fee will be fully charged to the Customer: 3%.
• 為確保公共安全,活動的保安人員有權篩查進入會場的人士之個人隨身物品,並有權拒絕參加者 攜帶某些物品進入活動會場。
To ensure public safety, the Event’s security staff have the authority to inspect the personal belongings of Participants entering the Venue, and the right to refuse entry for prohibited items to the Event.
• 請注意,活動的官方攝影師及攝像師將會在現場攝影、錄影及錄音,參加此活動即代表你同意被拍照或被拍攝。主辦單位在不需要通知或補償的情況下,保留使用、複製、分發、發佈、重新發佈、印刷、展示、傳送、創作修改使用包含你圖像、肖像、照片、聲音等等衍生作品的權利。
Please note that the event official photographers and videographers will be on the field. By attending the event, you consent to being photographed and/or filmed. The organiser shall reserve the rights to use, copy, distribute, publish, republish print, display, transmit, create derivative works containing your image, portrait, photograph, footage, voice and/or likeness, without compensation or notification to, or additional consent by you.
• 參加者必須遵守所有相關法規、安全公告和場館規定。在參加活動時,參加者應評估自己是否適合參加可能包含特殊效果(包括但不限於聲音、視聽、煙火效果或燈光效果)的活動。主辦單位對於這些特殊效果所引起的任何不適或刺激不負責任。
A Participant must comply with all relevant and applicable statutes, safety announcements and venue regulations whilst attending the Event. A Participant should assess whether he/she is suitable for attending the Event which may have special effects including, without limitation, sound, audio visual, pyrotechnic effects or lighting effects. The Organiser shall not be responsible for any discomfort or irritation caused by these special effects.
• 如香港天文台發出八號預警/八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號/黑色暴雨警告信號/“極端情況”下,受影響的比賽場次將會順延舉行。請留意香港天文台的預報及我們在社交媒體公佈的最新安排。
In the event that the Pre-No. 8 special announcement is made or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or“Extreme Conditions” is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, the event will be suspended. Please pay attention to the Hong Kong Observatory's forecasts and the latest arrangements announced on our social media.
• 主辦單位保留更改比賽賽程之最終決定權。
The organiser reserves the right to change at any time the schedule of play and start time of matches.
• 主辦單位保留隨時修訂條款及細則之權利,而不作另行通知。尚有任何意見或爭論,則以主辦單位的決策為最終決定。
Organiser reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of Organiser.

Event House Rules

以下條款及細則適用於所有進入 2024年WBSC五人制棒球世界盃 (「活動」) 的人士。活動於 2024 年 10 月 7 日至 12 日於中環海濱活動空間(「會場」)舉行。所有入場人士同意遵守以下的條款及細則:
The following term and conditions apply to all participants participating in the WBSC Baseball5 World Cup 2024 (the “Event”) to be held from 7 to 12 October 2024 in the Central Harbourfront Event Space (the “Venue”). By attending the Event, all participants agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
活動規則 In this document, the following definitions apply:
「活動」 指「2024年WBSC五人制棒球世界盃」
“Event” means the WBSC Baseball5 World Cup 2024
「主辦單位」 指世界棒壘球總會及中國香港棒球總會
“Organiser” means the World Baseball Softball Confederation and The Baseball Association of Hong Kong, China
「參加者」 指作為觀眾參加活動的個人或群體
“Participant(s)” means an individual or group who attends the Event as a spectator or audience member
「會場」 指活動場地,即中環海濱活動空間
“Venue” means the Event venue, Central Harbourfront Event Space, Central
1. 如有任何有關進入會場之爭議,主辦機構將保留最終決定的權利。
The right of admission to the Event is reserved by the Organiser.
2. 為確保公共安全,活動的保安人員有權篩查進入會場的人士之個人隨身物品,並有權拒絕參加者 攜帶某些物品進入活動會場。
To ensure public safety, the Event’s security staff have the authority to inspect the
personal belongings of Participants entering the Venue, and the right to refuse entry for prohibited items to the Event.
3. 十二歲以下的兒童必須在活動期間由父母或成年監護人陪同。
Children aged 12 or below must be accompanied by a parent or an adult guardian at all times during the Event.
4. 現場不設行李存放區,請妥善保管好自己的個人財物。
No luggage storage service will be provided. Participants are advised to take care of
their personal belongings.
5. 會場不設泊車位。
Parking areas are not available
6. 會場內不准吸煙。
Smoking is not allowed inside the Venue.
7. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未滿 18 歲人士售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。如有關工作人員提出要求,參加者必須出示其年齡證明,例如身份證、護照或旅遊證件等。
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor under 18 years old in the course of business.
8. 請保持環境清潔衛生。
Please keep the environment clean.
9. 所有參加者必須:
All Participants must:
(i) 遵從主辦單位對活動的安排;
Observe and comply with all notices issued by the Organiser concerning operational arrangements of the Event;
(ii) 遵守香港特別行政區(“香港特區”)的法律,包括但不限於:
Abide by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( “HKSAR”), including but not limited to:
一、 《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》;
(a) the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR;
二、 《維護國家安全條例》;
(b) the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance;
三、 香港特區有關維護國家安全的其他法律;
(c) other laws of the HKSAR in relation to the safeguarding of national security;
四、 《國旗及國徽條例》;
(d) the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance;
五、 《區旗及區徽條例》;及
(e) the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance; and
六、 《國歌條例》。
(f) the National Anthem Ordinance.
(iii) 不得從事下列的任何行為或活動:
一、 構成或導致,或相當可能構成或相當可能會導致香港特區法律下危害國家安全罪行的發生的行為或活動;
(a) constitutes or causes, or is likely to constitute or cause, the occurrence of any offence endangering national security under the laws of the HKSAR;
二、 任何公職人員認為不利於國家安全的行為或活動;
(b) is considered by any public officer to be contrary to the interest of national security;
三、 不尊重或構成侮辱國歌、國旗、國徽、區旗或區徽的行為或活動;
(c) is disrespectful or constitutes any insult to the national anthem, national flag, national emblem, regional flag or regional emblem; and
四、 適用於香港特區的法律所禁止的行為或活動;
(d) is prohibited under any law applicable to the HKSAR.
五、 駕駛小型無人機;
(e) Small Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) Operations
六、 搭建帳篷或防水遮篷;
(f) Setting up tents and/or bivvy sacks
七、 亂拋垃圾及隨地吐痰;
(g) Littering and spitting
八、 於會場入口或場內售賣任何物品或服務,或展示任何作售賣用途之物品或服務;
(h) Selling goods or services, or the display of goods or services for sale at the entrance or in the Venue
九、 派發未經授權之印刷品或錄製品;
(i) Distribution of unauthorised printed or recorded materials
十、 在場內拋擲或使用任何物件以致構成危險、不必要的阻礙或干擾節目進行、粗言穢語或行為不檢;及
(j) Throwing or using any objects in the Venue to cause danger, unnecessary
obstruction or interference with the programme, foul language or disorderly conduct
十一、 在場內進行任何銷售、問卷調查、宣傳活動。
(k) Any sales, questionnaires and promotional activities
10. 主辦單位保留權利要求參加者在任何合理理由下離開會場,並採取任何適當行動以執行此權利。例如,主辦單位可能要求以下參加者離開會場:
The Organiser reserves the right to request the Participant to leave the Venue at any point on reasonable grounds and take any appropriate action to enforce this right. By way of example, the Organiser may remove a Participant who:
1. 參加者有擾亂秩序或妨礙其他參加者的行為(例如:持有任何違禁品或在會場內從事以下活動);
has behaved in the Venue in a manner which, in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, has or is likely to affect the enjoyment and/or safety of other Participants (e.g. possessing any prohibited items or engaging in activities in the Venue set out below);
2. 參加者使用具威脅性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言語或行為,或以任何方式挑釁,或行為可能引起對公共秩序的破壞;
uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour or in any way provokes or behaves in a manner which may provoke a breach of the peace;
3. 主辦單位合理認為參加者受毒品影響或飲用過多酒精;或
in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, a Participant is under the influence of drugs or has consumed an excessive amount of alcohol; or
4. 主辦單位合理認為參加者違反了主辦單位發出的任何通知、《香港國安法》或其他香港特別行政區有關法律。
in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, a Participant has violated any notices issued by the Organiser, the National Security Law or other relevant laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
11. 參加者被禁止犯罪或企圖犯罪,觸犯香港特別行政區的法律和《香港國安法》。參加者的行為不得違反國家安全利益。他們必須服從主辦單位工作人員和有關當局(例如香港警察、中環海濱活動空間管理公司)的所有合法指示。如活動經理或保安人員要求參加者離開會場,參加者必須立即離開。
Participants are prohibited from committing or attempting to commit any act in violation of the laws of the HKSAR and the National Security Law governing the HKSAR. Participants’ act must not be contrary to the interest of national security. They must obey all lawful instructions given by the staff at the Event and the officers of relevant authorities, such as the Hong Kong Police Force and Central Venue Management. Participants must leave the Venue immediately if requested to do so by event managers or security staff.
12. 違規犯禁:任何人士若帶有違禁物品,或不遵守活動規則,將被拒絶進場:
Strictly forbidden: Anyone who is found to have any prohibited items or who does not follow the house rules of the Venue will be refused entry to the Event:
Items prohibited in the Venue:
(i) 任何可構成危險的玻璃容器或易碎物品;
any glassware or fragile objects which may pose potential dangers;
(ii) 任何含酒精飲品或罐裝╱玻璃瓶裝飲品;
any alcoholic drinks or drinks in cans or glass bottles;
(iii) 動物(引路犬或警犬除外);
animals (except guide dogs or Police dogs);
(iv) 任何具攻擊性、危害健康、可用作武器或妨礙活動順利進行的物品,例如刀、煙火、激光棒、壓縮氣體╱噴劑或大型物品;
any items which may be offensive or health hazardous or which can be used as weapons or usedtoimpede the smooth progress of the event, e.g. knives, fireworks, laser pointers, compressed gas or liquid spray or large items;
(v) 任何內容帶有商業、侮辱、恐嚇、歧視、宗教或政治成分的橫額、海報、標語牌、傳單、書籍、刊物、宣傳品或展示品;
any banners, posters, placards, leaflets, books, publications, publicity materials or display materials, the contents of which are commercial, abusive, threatening, discriminatory, religious or political;
(vi) 機械或非機械操作的發聲工具,例如擴音器、鑼鼓等;以及
mechanically or non-mechanically operated sound tools, e.g. loudspeakers, drums, gongs and the like; and
(vii) 任何遙控飛行裝置或玩具。
any remote-controlled flying devices or toys.
(viii) 任何旗幟。
any flags.

Personal safety:
(i) 照顧同行小孩、長者或有需要的人士
Take care of accompanying children or elderly or someone in need.
(ii) 小心保管個人財物
Look after personal property
(iii) 尊重其他參加者的權利
Respect the rights of other Participants at all times
(iv) 避免爭先恐後、奔跑、喧嘩和插隊
Refrain from pushing, running, boisterous behaviour and queue-jumping.
(v) 遵守主辦單位、保安及工作人員的指示
Observe and comply with all reasonable instructions of the Organiser, security
staff, officials and the Police.
(vi) 在緊急情況下,請保持冷靜,遵守主辦單位的公告、指示或要求
In case of emergency, please remain calm and comply with the announcement,
instruction or request from the Organiser.
General Terms and Conditions
13. 本活動規則及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。
These Event Rules and Regulations are subject to change without prior notice.
14. 請注意,活動的官方攝影師及攝像師將會在現場攝影、錄影及錄音,參加此活動即代表你同意被拍照或被拍攝。主辦單位在不需要通知或補償的情況下,保留使用、複製、分發、發佈、重新發佈、印刷、展示、傳送、創作修改使用包含你圖像、肖像、照片、聲音等等衍生作品的權利。
Please note that the event official photographers and videographers will be on the field. By attending the event, you consent to being photographed and/or filmed. The organiser shall reserve the rights to use, copy, distribute, publish, republish print, display, transmit, create derivative works containing your image, portrait, photograph, footage, voice and/or likeness, without compensation or notification to, or additional consent by you.
15. 參加者必須遵守所有相關法規、安全公告和場館規定。在參加活動時,參加者應評估自己是否適合參加可能包含特殊效果(包括但不限於聲音、視聽、煙火效果或燈光效果)的活動。主辦單位對於這些特殊效果所引起的任何不適或刺激不負責任。
A Participant must comply with all relevant and applicable statutes, safety announcements and venue regulations whilst attending the Event. A Participant should assess whether he/she is suitable for attending the Event which may have special effects including, without limitation, sound, audio visual, pyrotechnic effects or lighting effects. The Organiser shall not be responsible for any discomfort or irritation caused by these special effects.
16. 如對本規則有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權和解釋權。
In the event of any disputes about the Rules, the Organiser reserves the right to make final decision and interpretation.
17. 如需了解更多活動信息,請與主辦單位聯絡(熱線:+852 2504 8330; 電郵:office@hkbaseball.org)。
For more information about the Event, please contact the Organiser (hotline: +852 2504 8330 ; email: office@hkbaseball.org).



版權所有 © 2024 中國香港棒球總會 版權所有不得轉載